My Backyard, My Weeds!

This week I bet my neighbor that I can grow a bigger weed than he can. No, not the illegal kind of weed. I’m talking about the kind that have sprouted up all over my backyard ever since my #$@%! gardener decided he no longer wanted my money. (more…)

Musings about baseball… and my friends

I recently started writing a San Francisco Giants blog for the San Jose Mercury News. During the week Giants Talk launched, I wanted to write a posting that would grab people’s attention. So I wrote a column, titled “How I learned to love Bonds again.” What better way to get the flaming started than with a blog where I publicly express affection for Barry, the most hated man in baseball? (more…)

Baby Talk

This past weekend, the weather was perfect (high 80s, sunny) and friends from the Bay Area were in town to catch a few weekend spring training games. We got to meet our friend Suzanne’s adorable, three-month-old baby boy for the first time.

When we met for post-game drinks and food at Gordon Biersch, all the women in our group embraced the baby, doing the take-turns-holding-the-baby thing.

Later, I realized none of the men held – or even touched – the baby. We just sort of admired the little tyke safely from a distance.


My hometown: full of anti-war, dog-loving zealots

I’m always apprehensive when the national media descend on San Francisco. More often than not, it’s to poke fun at my hometown and portray it as full of wacky, liberal heathens who are out of touch with the mainstream. Even more so now that Nancy Pelosi has stepped onto the national political stage and is a threat to the right, making her and the city targets.

Two recent national stories – one on San Francisco’s school district and the other on the city’s powerful dog lobby (haha!) – simply make me proud of the city’s open-minded and progressive nature. (more…)

TiVo in Vogue

I’ve had TiVo for five weeks now, and a trend is clearly developing.

Before TiVo: I read about 3.5 books a month.

After TiVo: I’ve read six pages. Total. And that was waiting at the DMV.

It’s so wonderful to record stuff like Sleeper Cell, 30 Rock and every film ever made by Hitchcock (yeah!) — and to watch them at my leisure. Of course, I could have done the same with our dusty old VCRs. But I’ve been out of blank tapes for the last, oh, eight years. I suppose I could have purchased more blank tapes, but… what a hassle. Unless it was baseball or the news, I’ve mostly avoided TV and just cracked open a book.

But now, how can I possibly read the novel (now a coaster) on my bedside table when three thrilling episodes of 24 await me?